Quiet the Cough

My son and I both got a cough…he is over it completely (after 48 hours).  I diffused Peppermint essential oil and Thieves at night and rubbed a special formulated cough blend on his throat and chest.  I was amazed at how well it worked!

I got his cough a day after and have been applying Purification Essential Oil and Peppermint on my neck.  Last night I had trouble falling asleep, so I put a dab of Lavender behind my ears and was asleep in minutes and slept all night.  I added Peppermint, Lemon and Thieves to a cool mist humidifier in my room and didn’t wake up once.

I usually get Bronchitis once a year and have to go to the Dr. for a shot.  Not this year!  I don’t think I am going to get it!  I am on day 3 of my drug free, oil applying venture and am improving.  Today I have a slight deep cough, but is much less than yesterday.  I started drinking 2 drops of Frankincense in 4 oz of almond milk 3 days ago as well.  One thing I didn’t expect is that my acne has cleared up on my face! – added bonus!

This oil stuff is working….

This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition.